Instrument Pages
Choose your instrument from the list below to learn more about maintaining your instrument, upgrading your equipment, and more!
As students progress through our band program, they will likely outgrow their beginner level instrument and be ready to move on to intermediate (or, in some cases, professional) equipment. This page is meant to provide students and parents with a list of recommended instruments, mouthpieces, and accessories for each instrument.
NOTE: It is important that all students try step-up instruments and/or mouthpieces before they purchase them. Since students will CERTAINLY be able to feel and hear a difference playing a step-up instrument and/or mouthpiece as compared to their beginner set up, they will likely want to purchase the first piece of equipment that they try! Several instruments need to be played prior to purchase – with an investment of this magnitude, it is important that the student gets the best fit for their individual needs!
While the school can sometimes provide instruments on a rental basis, in order for a student to take their musicianship to the next level, all students are encouraged to purchase instruments of their own.
Private Instruction
Perhaps the greatest advantage that you could provide to your student is the opportunity to study with an accomplished professional on his/her instrument. Private lessons on a musical instrument are the best way to improve performance skills. The one-on-one approach allows the student to benefit from the individual attention as opposed to a teacher monitoring a class of over fifty! A recent survey of students in the All-State Honor Band revealed that close to 90% of the students in the band studied privately. Students are generally more inclined to practice diligently for a weekly music assignment and this discipline increases the student’s enjoyment with their instrument. Most importantly, taking lessons will help improve your musical experience in the band program and help YOU enjoy the lifelong gift of music!
On behalf of all of the instrumental music teachers in the Agua Fria High School District, thank you once again for making the commitment to our program!